
An approachable introduction to the cultural arts

Written by teal | Apr 1, 2018 1:25:00 AM







Visual Language

We saw the visual and verbal tone of the app as crucial to ensuring new audiences would be open to engaging. Our dialogue often centered around what should be introduced when, with regard to revealing the performance, payment, and ratings. Should any of these three elements be too forceful or unnatural, the service would fail.

For this reason, we started defining the look and feel rather early so that potential users could react.

Blueprint building

Throughout the process, we were encouraged to treat our service blueprint as a living document.

Concept Evaluation

The users we tested with represented extremes among potential Spectacle users; we spoke with one user who seemed very reluctant to try new things, and one who was eager to, but also wanted a sense of luxury and value. Our ideal user sits somewhere between these two: those who might try a new arts experience if coordination were a little easier.


Going through multiple rounds of fidelity helped us to refine the app as we went.